Life Coaching by Vanessa Christenson


The Coach and The Therapist

Vanessa & Jacob Christenson

The Coach and The Therapist podcast is built to discuss solutions to life’s problems from two different, though related, perspectives. Each week we pick a topic, such as anxiety, depression, or weight loss, and offer our views based on our training, background, and experience. While those views may be different, commonalities are highlighted, and practical suggestions are offered for those who want to improve themselves and seek sustainable life enjoyment.

The Coach and The Therapist
The Coach and the Therapist Podcast

Should, Ought to, and Must

“They ought to treat me better”, “my house must be clean before I have guests”, “I should eat better”. We all have “should statements” in our lives, but are they really healthy for us to be thinking? In this episode, Vanessa and Jacob tackle the thought process that goes on in our heads when we think we ought to do something or be something else. Listen in to learn the why, the what, and the how of changing your outlook on your responsibilities.

The Coach and the Therapist Podcast

Wrestling vs. Struggling

Everyone has wrestled with a problem and everyone has struggled with an issue before, but what’s the difference? In this episode, Vanessa and Jacob define and expand on what it means to tackle our problems. Listen in to learn a new way to look at your challenges and take them on at a new angle.

The Coach and the Therapist Podcast


Most of us have heard the term “burnout” before, but not all of us understand how it happens. In this episode, Vanessa and Jacob talk about burnout, how it happens, and how to avoid it. Listen in to learn all the big and small things you can change to keep yourself running at your best, all the time.

The Coach and the Therapist Podcast


Most of us have heard of FOMO, also known as the fear of missing out. In this episode, Vanessa and Jacob talk about how FOMO can be damaging to us or hold us back from success. Listen to learn how some of your “FOMO”s might not be serving you. One might say, “You won’t want to MISS this episode!”

The Coach and the Therapist Podcast

Clean Pain vs. Dirty Pain

All humans experience pain, but the question to ask yourself is this: Is this clean or dirty pain? What does this mean? Dirty pain is the narrative that we create to avoid, resist, or react to an emotion. Also known as unnecessary pain that we bring onto ourselves. Clean pain is the factual circumstance. Things can hurt, that is life. So, how do you keep your pain CLEAN? Listen and find out.

The Coach and the Therapist Podcast

Climbing the Mountain

We all have our own mountains that we want to climb. Do you let fear of failures, the opinions of others, or your own thoughts get in the way of your climb? Today Vanessa and Jacob share some of the mountains they have climbed in their business endeavors, and some lessons they’ve learned along the way.